Irish Language

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Is aidhm Bhord na Leabhar Gaeilge tac le scrbhneoir agus foilsitheoir chun bhar i nGaeilge a chur ar fil a chuireann le suim an ghnthphobail sa litheoireacht Ghaeilge.

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People in the Irish Gaeltacht wish to invite, into their homes, visitors from Central Europe and, in turn, go to places of Celtic interest on the Continent.

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Irish language courses and cultural holidays for adults, and cultural tours of Donegal, Ireland, by Oideas Gael. Irish Gaelic study brings people of Irish and other Celtic backgrounds to participate i

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POBAL the umbrella organisation for the Irish language community in Belfast

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Forbairt Feirste R r don Ghaeilge Is Forbairt Feirste an chad ghnomhaireacht eacnamaoch at ag tabhairt go hirithe faoi chruth post agus failleanna ra do lonadh phobal na Gaeilge i mBal F

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