Irish Information

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Ask About Ireland is your place to find answers about Ireland. Our countryside, our heritage, the way we work and play

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Great collection of Ireland related issues provided in a comprehensive and detailed way

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a new range of interactive cd roms on various Ireland themes
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Look Around Ireland is an ideal travel aid and educational tool for both Irish and forign tourists. It supplies an enormous amount of useful information under different themes and headings. The site has over 2000 pages of relevant information, pictures and unique Interactive Virtual Tours of over 300 famous landmarks throghout the 32 counties. Prominent scenic,historic,heritage and leisure attractions are all included, together with very useful genealogy, cultural and accommodation/transport information. Everything you need to know about Ireland whether you are a visitor or have an armchair interest in the country is here.

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Legal Notice Privacy Statement Produced by Webfactory Copyright Ask Ireland 2000 Like many of his friends Gareth Vaughan spent his 1991 college vacation in the US, but while

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National Information Server (NIS), HEAnet Limited, Ireland, Web-based information service which aims to serve as an online repository of information resources of relevance to Irel

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