If you are looking for a game of 5 a side football in your local area or if you are organising a game findmefooty.com can help you. Simply sign up and search for football games in your local area, you dont have to play every week just when it suits you. If you have a regular game of football and struggle to find a full squad each week you can invite players listed on the site to come and play in your game. Anyone can create a game, then all you have to do is click on the player you wish to invite, then they can click accept or decline its that simple. This site is still growing and we are adding functionality to it on a regular basis, so if you think there something you would like on the site just send us a feedback message and we will consider adding it in.
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Short Business Description
A free website to help footballers find football games in their local area. In turn this website helps organisers of football games find extra players when they are short a full squad.
Long Business Description